The Hub's activities will be developed at national level in partnership between the various departments of the IBGE, other government agencies, universities, and non-governmental institutions. At international level, in partnership with the United Nations, other Regional and international organizations, national statistical institutes from the region, and other academic and research institutes.
- Mr. Alexandre Barbosa: The Brazilian Network Information Centre -
- Ms. Andrea Diniz da Silva: National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE/IBGE (chair)
- Mr. Cristiano Ferraz: Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE
- Mr. Elio Villaseñor: National Institute of Statistics and Geography - INEGI
- Mr. José Antonio Mejia-Guerra: Interamerican Development Bank - IDB
- Mr. Leonardo Trijullo: National Administrative Department of Statistics - DANE
- Ms. Paz Patiño: Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21ST Century - PARIS21
- Mr. Rolando Ocampo: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean - ECLAC
- Mr. Ronald Jansen: United Nations Statistics Division - UNSD (co-chair)
- Ms. Solange Correa Onel: Office for National Statistics - ONS
- Ms. Andrea Diniz da Silva: National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE/IBGE
- Mr. Augusto Fadel: Directorate of Surveys - DPE/IBGE
- Mr. Claudio Faria Marques: National School of Statistical Sciences – ENCE/IBGE
- Mr. Luiz Felipe d'Alberto Louzada: National School of Statistical Sciences – ENCE/IBGE
- Mr. Marcelo Rodrigues de Albuquerque Maranhão: Directorate of Geosciences - DGC/IBGE
- Mr. Marcelo Trindade Pitta: Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR -
- Ms. Maria do Carmo Bueno: Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination – CDDI
- Ms. Maria Luíza Guerra de Toledo : National School of Statistical Sciences - ENCE/IBGE
- Ms. Patricia Zamprogno Tavares: Directorate of Data Processing – DI/IBGE
- Mr. Paulo David de Jesus Tostes dos Santos: National School of Statistical Sciences – ENCE/IBGE